

We are so glad you have taken a few moments to visit our website. Know that in these trying times it is truly a blessing to be a Christian, as God is the only One who can create peace out of chaos and hope out of fear.

We, at McCombs Baptist Church, believe that we have been called by God to reflect the love of Jesus Christ in our church, in our community and throughout the world. We seek to glorify God through worship, living devoted lives to Christ, and sharing the truth of God's wonderful salvation. We are an active church that helps individuals and families grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our programs and get a glimpse of who we are; please don't hesitate to call us with questions you may have. 

 Please join us this Sunday, we would love for you to call our church  "home."


I Dream of a Church...

I dream of a church… with outstretched arms

A welcome for all, loving, enfolding,

The great and the small.

I dream of a church… with easy smile

A joy to be shared, warmly accepting

The timid and scared.

I dream of a church… with busy fingers

A need to involve, working and helping

Life’s problems to solve.

I dream of a church… with ready feet

A dynamic stride bravely advancing

With patience and pride.

I dream of a church… with thankful voice

Singing of love worshipping, praising

The Lord high above.

I dream of a church… with listening ear

Attentive to all, earnestly waiting

For the spirit to call.

I dream of a church… with praying hands

Where any can come knowing, believing

The dream has begun!

– Sylvia M Bradford

"Young at Heart, Led by the Spirit"

Yours in Christ,

Lawrence Vanley
Senior Pastor

Regular Schedule 


Click an announcement below for
further details.

Worship Service 10 am Sunday

McCombs Business Meeting at 7:00 pm

Contact Us 

McCombs Baptist Church

10601 McCombs Street
El Paso, Texas 79924
Phone 915-821-5144

Verse of the Day
The Baptist Standard
currently offline
  March 2025  
Upcoming Events


Morning Worship Service
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
Starts at 10 am.


Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study starts a 7 pm


Deacon Meeting
Deacon and Pastor Only
Morning Worship Service
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Morning Worship Service
Starts at 10 am.


Business Meeting
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Church Business Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Prayer Meeting and Bible Study starts a 7 pm
Bible Search